Mountains Climbing

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Without troubling you with a thesis length reply, it goes like this. The safest way to get the rope to the top of the cliff is to hike up the backside and drop it over the face. This is called top roping. This works great if the cliff is only 50-100ft tall. If the cliff is too tall, or the climber wants a greater challenge, the climber needs to lead the rope up there. This is accomplished by scaling the face of the rock using the rope for safety in case he or she should fall. As the person climbs, they clip the rope into metal links called carabineers that are attached to the rock. Once at the top, the climber attaches the rope through a secure point called an anchor and their partner then lowers them back to the ground or climbs up to meet them.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The technique is a simple enhancement of normal arm swing when walking. The poles remain behind and pointing diagonally backwards at all times. Shoulders are relaxed and down. Poles are held close to the body. • The hands are opened slightly to allow the poles to swing forward - the poles are not gripped but swing from the wrist straps. The leading foot strikes the ground. The opposite arm swings forward to waist height. The opposite pole strikes the ground level with the heel of the opposite foot. The poles remain pointing diagonally backwards, they are never in front of the body. Push the pole as far back as possible, the arm straightening to form a continuous line with the fully extended arm, the hand opening off the grip by the end of the arm swing.
The foot rolls through the step to push off with the toe. This lengthens the stride behind the body, getting the most out of each stride. • The arm motion is loose and relaxed.
Keeping the arms relaxed and keeping the poles behind the body are key elements in the proper technique.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

How can you make walking a better overall workout without feeling like you are exerting any more energy? How can you overcome the slouching, neck and shoulder pain many get from working at desks and computers? Across Europe, millions of people have taken up nordic walking to give them a good workout and loosen their neck and shoulders.
For a better but easier cardio workout, nordic walking increases your heart rate without increasing your perceived rate of exertion. You get a better workout without feeling like you are working any harder.
While you can get a similar heart rate effect by walking faster, there are many people who do not want to walk faster or cannot walk fast.
Upper Body WorkoutNordic walking works the arms, shoulders and upper chest and back muscles through a full range of motion, stretching and lengthening those muscles which are often tight.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is a technique used for walking with fitness walking poles. The nordic walking poles have hand straps or half gloves that enable the walker to use the nordic walking technique, releasing the pole at the end of each stroke.
Nordic walking poles have a fitness tip on them to allow then to be used on hard surfaces.

toning the upper body
relieving strain on the knees, hips, and ankles
burning up to 40% more calories per mile while feeling no more exertion than regular walking.

Some varieties of nordic walking poles have adjustable height to make them easier to store or to share between people.
Before you begin walking, adjust your poles to the correct length.
The proper pole length is approx. 70% of your body height. Multiply your height in inches or in centimeters by 0.7 to get your pole length in the same units.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Multi-pitch rock climbers have the potential to get themselves into many bad situations. Here's a helpful tip for self rescue.
By combining several small items on a carabineer on the back of you're harness you can have the gear needed to reverse several dangerous situations. Here's the items that will clip onto a small locking carabineer.
A small Knife
One 6mm cord to use as a prussik
A small pen light
A small roll of athletic tapeThe knife is for cleaning old sun beaten webbing from rappell stations.
The small pen light is used for inspecting rappell stations at dusk and for finding the descent trail at night. I recommend a full sized headlamp if there is any chance of getting caught in the dark.
The tape is for covering up small cuts and scrapes. It can also be used to close the gate of a non-locking carabineer when rappelling. Use only new carabiners to rappel on.
Remember, multi-pitch rock climbing is an activity with many potential outcomes. To ensure your safety, set yourself up for success. Get the proper instruction, gather the needed information on the route and choose a climb at your ability.