Pikes Peak and Mount Evans climbing
Pikes Peak and Mount Evans
Climbing is dangerous, and each individual should approach these peaks with caution. Conditions can vary tremendously depending on time of day and time of year. The route descriptions here assume good summer conditions.
Environmental, safety, and social concerns have risen sharply in recent years. Tread lightly and carry your trash out. Use established trails when possible and don't cut switchbacks, especially in the tundra zone above timberline. Turn around when conditions or weather are against you. Respect other people and wild animals.
Before charging forth with your city energy and competitive urges, take some time to understand the mountain environment you are about to enter. Carefully study your chosen route and don't be afraid to retreat if your condition or the mountain's is unfavorable. Better yet, do an easier climb nearby and gain knowledge of the area. When both you and the mountain are ready, come back and do your dream climb.