Mountains Climbing

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Train for Mountaineering
1. Schopping the back pack and (hopefully) the boots you will be climbing in. The boots are a challenge because many people rent them for their first climbs.
2. Find a hill or small mountain near your home.
3. Make a plan. Plan a program that growing gradually in length and intensity.
4. Adjust your program. Add or reduce weight for your body type and add more time to your hikes if you have it. Mountain climbing days sometimes last up to 18 hrs. of activity.
The weight in your pack should be in water bottles. They don't tear your pack like rocks and you can dump out the water at the top of your climb to save your knees on the descent.
Use trekking poles. They are great for reducing strain go up steep steps and down long descents. Keep your pace steady and slow. Starting and stopping is counter productive. Listening to music helps some people stay in a rythm.
Be realistic, you're training for a climb not trying to damage yourself. Stretch before and after and stay hydrated!
Rest for mininum 2 days prior to your climb


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